We make the insurance process easy again!

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Welcome to Ovation Insurance!

You can expect us to...

  • Gather your information to find what needs to be insured
  • Run through twenty-two different carriers to find the best rate for you
  • Max out discounts to make it as affordable as possible
  • Create a short custom video explaining the details that apply specifically to you
  • Use an E-Signature that allows for an easy way to finalize your custom plan


Thank you for your interest in a quote from Ovation Insurance! I will be working on this with you.


You may be wondering what our purpose is here at Ovation.


It is not to simply sell you an insurance policy.


We could save you $1,000 on your insurance. We do it every day. But it's not our true purposes.


At Ovation, we have a different objective. Our true purpose is to empower people, and the meaning of that strictly depends on you.


To some people, saving $1,000 on their insurance might empower them to finally take that much needed beach getaway.


Others might be looking to spend MORE money for better coverage to help them sleep at night.

Then there are those good vibe people just looking for an easy and empowering customer experience.


Regardless of YOUR purpose, OUR purpose is to empower you.


Feel free to schedule a time on my calendar by clicking 'Schedule an Appointment'.


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